
xBus Base Functions
net.sf.xbus.base.bytearraylist Provides classes to support the handling of ByteArrayLists
net.sf.xbus.base.core Contains base classes and interfaces which assure an easy handling during development and productive operation
net.sf.xbus.base.core.arithmetic Contains classes to enrich Java's handling of integer types
net.sf.xbus.base.core.bytearrays Contains classes to enrich Java's handling of byte arrays
net.sf.xbus.base.core.config Provides classes and interface for reading entries from various sources and filling a three-level hierarchie configuration.
net.sf.xbus.base.core.reflection Provides methods to create objects and call methods with the reflection API more easily
net.sf.xbus.base.core.strings Provides classes to enrich Java's handling of strings
net.sf.xbus.base.core.timeoutcall Various classes to support multithreaded programming.
net.sf.xbus.base.core.tools Provides various utilities
net.sf.xbus.base.core.trace Provides classes for tracing information during the running of the program, e.g. errors
net.sf.xbus.base.deletedMessageStore Provides a class to store messages into files before they are deleted in case of an error
net.sf.xbus.base.journal Provides classes and interfaces for writing information about send and receive actions of the xBus
net.sf.xbus.base.linereader Contains interfaces to support reading and writing data line by line, including transformation
net.sf.xbus.base.notifyerror Provides classes to actively send a notification to an administrator when the xBus has detected a problem during the processing of a message
net.sf.xbus.base.xbussystem Contains base classes for representing the neighboring systems
net.sf.xbus.base.xml Provides classes and interfaces to enrich Java's handling of XML documents


xBus Bootstrap
net.sf.xbus.bootstrap Provides classes to start the functionality of the xBus.


Application Layer
net.sf.xbus.application Provides classes of the application layer to dynamically create the application objects and to route the messages to one or more systems


Protocol Layer
net.sf.xbus.protocol Provides base classes and interfaces of the protocol layer for parsing and transforming messages
net.sf.xbus.protocol.as400 Provides classes that represent messages for the iSeries (aka AS/400)
net.sf.xbus.protocol.bytearraylist Provides a class to dynamically load a Java class to transform data
net.sf.xbus.protocol.csv Provides classes for handling and transforming CSV messages
net.sf.xbus.protocol.java Provides classes that represent messages in the format of a list of byte arrays
net.sf.xbus.protocol.records Provides classes for transporting and converting message structured by record types.
net.sf.xbus.protocol.simple Provides classes for handling SOAP messages
net.sf.xbus.protocol.soap Provides the classes for handling and transforming the most simple implementation of text and object messages
net.sf.xbus.protocol.xml Provides classes for handling and transforming messages in various XML formats


Technical Layer
net.sf.xbus.technical Provides base classes and interfaces of the technical layer that are responsible for the communication with other systems, i.e. for sending data to other systems as well as receiving data from other systems
net.sf.xbus.technical.as400 Provides classes that allow access to iSeries data and resources by reading and writing objects in the integrated file system or calling programs
net.sf.xbus.technical.database Contains classes for managing connections to databases and to send SQL statements and receive the result
net.sf.xbus.technical.file Provides classes for reading/writing files on mounted file systems
net.sf.xbus.technical.ftp Provides classes for reading/writing files on FTP servers
net.sf.xbus.technical.http Provides classes for receiving and sending HTTP requests
net.sf.xbus.technical.java Provides senders and receivers to connect the xBus to other Java programs
net.sf.xbus.technical.ldap Provides classes for sending requests to LDAP servers and to receive responses
net.sf.xbus.technical.mail Provides classes for sending messages via email
net.sf.xbus.technical.misc Provides senders and receivers that cannot be sorted into the other packages
net.sf.xbus.technical.mq Provides classes for receiving/sending messages from/to message queues and managing connections to message queue servers
net.sf.xbus.technical.socket Provides classes for sending messages via a socket connection


xBus Administration
net.sf.xbus.admin Contains the base class of the xBus administration, containing all administration functionality
net.sf.xbus.admin.html Contains classes allowing the administration via a HTML frontend
net.sf.xbus.admin.jmx Contains classes allowing the administration via JMX
net.sf.xbus.admin.soap Contains classes allowing the administration via web services (SOAP)


Other Packages
net.sf.xbus.sample Contains various examples of classes dynamically called by the xBus
net.sf.xbus.test Provides some automated tests using JUnit
net.sf.xbus.tools Provides various utilities