Package net.sf.xbus.technical.as400

Provides classes that allow access to iSeries data and resources by reading and writing objects in the integrated file system or calling programs


Class Summary
AS400ByteArrayListReceiver AS400ByteArrayListReceiver serves for reading files from an AS400 and putting the file content into a byte array list.
AS400ByteArrayListSender AS400AS400ByteArrayListSender manages writing a file on the iSeries integrated file System.
AS400Connection AS400Connection manages connections to AS400 machines.
AS400FileBase Class AS400FileBase is the abstract base class for the AS400FileReceiver and AS400FileSender classes.
AS400FileReceiver The AS400FileReceiver receives a request, reads the files on the AS400 machines into tstrings and calls the application layer.
AS400FileSender AS400AS400FileSender manages writing a file on the iSeries integrated file System.
AS400LineReader LineReader to read/send a character stream from/to an AS/400.
AS400LineReaderReceiver AS400LineReaderReceiver receives data from a AS400 file but instead of reading them in passing the data itself through the xBus it only opens the file and passes a refernce to it to the application layer.
AS400ProgramCaller Used by AS400ProgramSender.execute(String, Object) together with TimedCallable to be able to stop the execution of the program after a timeout.
AS400ProgramSender The AS400ProgramSender calls a program on an AS400 and gives back the result.

Package net.sf.xbus.technical.as400 Description

Provides classes that allow access to iSeries data and resources by reading and writing objects in the integrated file system or calling programs.