Package net.sf.xbus.base.core.trace

Provides classes for tracing information during the running of the program, e.g. errors


Interface Summary
TraceTarget If a class should be used by the Trace to write informations, it has to implement the interface TraceTarget.

Class Summary
ConsoleTrace This implementation of TraceTarget writes the trace to the console (stdout).
FileTrace This implementation of TraceTarget writes the trace to a file.
Formatter The Formatter ensures, that every line in the trace-protocol has an equal format.
Trace Trace writes program-internal informations to a sink.
TraceFileRenamer The TraceFileRenamer class is for renaming the trace file by adding a timestamp.

Package net.sf.xbus.base.core.trace Description

Provides classes for tracing information during the running of the program, e.g. errors.