Interface Transformer

All Known Implementing Classes:
ByteArrayList2StreamTransformer, CloneTransformer, FixedTextTransformer, JavaTransformer, RecordTypeTransformer, Stream2ByteArrayListTransformer, Stream2TextTransformer, Text2StreamTransformer, TextXSLTTransformer, XMLParserTransformer, XMLSerializerTransformer, XMLUnwrapperTransformer, XMLWrapperTransformer, XSLTTransformer

public interface Transformer

Transformer implementations are transforming the content of one Messages to the format of another Message. There are three possibilities where a transformer is used:

  1. Request -> Request: The request of a received message is transformed to the request of a message that shall be send, either invoke or distribute.
  2. Response -> Request: The response of a message after being sent with invoke is transformed to the request of a message that shall be send, either invoke or distribute.
  3. Response -> Response: When the response of a invocation shall be returned to the initial sender, the response of the last message is transformed to the response of the initial message.
Which transformer is used is determined by the xBus according to the message types. This information is read out of the Configuration.

Method Summary
 java.lang.Object transform(java.lang.Object inObject, XBUSSystem source, XBUSSystem destination, Message destinationMessage)
          The transform method is automatically called by the xBus during the routing of messages.

Method Detail


java.lang.Object transform(java.lang.Object inObject,
                           XBUSSystem source,
                           XBUSSystem destination,
                           Message destinationMessage)
                           throws XException
The transform method is automatically called by the xBus during the routing of messages.

inObject - either the request or response that shall be transformed to another format
source - the XBUSSystem of the message of the inObject
destination - the XBUSSystem of the target message
destinationMessage - the target message eventually contains more information necessary for transforming
the transformed Object, written to either the request or response of the target message